
Scrabble tiles on a pink background that spell "multiple myeloma"

What is Multiple Myeloma?


What is multiple myeloma? In this article we look at common signs, causes and treatment options. Read on to learn more.

Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that affects the plasma cells. These are a kind of white blood cell found primarily in the bone marrow. These cells are important because they produce antibodies that help fight off infections. To help reduce your chances of...
how to prevent arthritis

How to Reduce Your Risk of Arthritis


Do you know how to prevent arthritis? Nothing is certain, but what helps is maintaining regular physical activity. Learn more right here.

Arthritis involves joint disease and inflammation. According to the Arthritis Foundation, there are about 100 or more forms of arthritis. Typical joint symptoms include pain, stiffness and decreased range of motion. To help treat it, consider Voltaren, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used to relieve...
worst foods for seniors

Foods and Drinks Seniors Should Avoid


This article explores the worst foods and drinks for seniors. Read on to learn more about healthy consumable choices for seniors.

As we age, our bodies evolve and so do our nutritional needs. For seniors, it's crucial to understand that certain foods and drinks can have detrimental effects on their health, exacerbating chronic illnesses and impairing overall well-being. In this article, we will discuss ten foods...
dopamine foods for parkinson's disease

Dopamine Foods for Parkinson’s Disease


Are you looking for options for dopamine foods for Parkinson's disease? Read on to learn about some excellent dietary strategies.

Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder that affects the central nervous system. It predominately affects the dopamine cells in the brain. According to the Parkinson’s Foundation, worldwide, Parkinson’s affects 10 million people. Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease include: Currently, there is no cure for Parkinson’s disease....
medicare advantage plans bad

Medicare Plans to Avoid

In this article, we will be discussing some bad Medicare advantage plans. Read on to learn which ones you should be avoiding.
Medicare, as a fundamental component of the United States healthcare system for individuals aged 65 and older, has been the backbone of senior healthcare coverage for decades. While the program is designed to ensure access to essential health services without causing financial strain, not all Medicare plans are created equal. Some come with hidden costs, limited coverage or poor customer service that can turn the golden years into a stressful period of navigating bureaucratic red tape. In this article, we delve into the worst Medicare plans and highlight companies that have received criticism for their Medicare offerings. Before delving into specific companies, it's important to understand that the marketplace for Medicare plans is complex, consisting of Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage...
what vitamin deficiency causes hair loss

Vitamin Deficiencies and Hair Loss

Do you know what vitamin deficiency causes hair loss? Read on to learn which lack of vitamins can cause your hair to fall out.
Battling hair loss? It's no walk in the park, is it? It's more than just about vanishing strands; it's like losing a piece of your identity, that self-assured look in the mirror, and a chunk of life's joy. And, boy, like anything health-related, it can get complicated! There are just so many pieces to the puzzle, one of which is vitamin deficiencies. We're about to dive deep into this topic, unmasking specific vitamin deficiencies that could be stealthily causing your hair loss. We’ll bring to light the effective treatments that can tackle each deficiency and walk you through ways you can get a solid hair loss diagnosis. Our goal? To illuminate the complex world of hair loss, throw the spotlight...
herbal supplements

Understanding Herbal Supplements: A Guide to Natural Health Boosters

Are you looking for some effective herbal supplements? Read on to learn about some solid options to improve your health.
You’ve probably noticed that herbal supplements have entered the wellness scene by storm! They’ve practically taken it over. The sheer volume of information, alongside the endless choices and options, can stop you before you have even begun. Figuring out which health supplements are the best and what types you need or should take can feel almost impossible! Don’t stress, though, because we’re about to break down the ins and outs of these all-natural health products, whether it be for immune health, gut health, or a better night’s sleep. It will be super easy for you to understand herbal supplements by the end of this! Before we dive in, let’s clear the air. What exactly are 'herbal supplements' and ‘natural supplements’?...
cholesterol lowering supplements

5 Supplements to Help Lower Your Cholesterol

Are you looking for some cholesterol lowering supplements that actually work? Read on to learn about some amazing natural solutions.
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. High cholesterol is a well-known marker of heart disease. Thus, if you had high cholesterol at your recent doctor’s appointment or your family has a history of heart attacks and heart disease, you may want to consider specific cholesterol-lowering supplements. Before diving in, it’s important to note that including exercise and a healthy diet in your lifestyle regime to lower your cholesterol levels is crucial, as relying on supplementation only isn’t a viable long-term strategy. Additionally, you will want to discuss your options with your doctor before implementing a new supplement routine. With that in mind, here are five cholesterol-lowering supplements to add to your diet. Studies indicate that fish oil...